Saturday, 19 January 2013

How to use a Hair Donut

 Bonjour petit amis!
So I bought a hair donut from Claire's, and I couldn't figure out how to use it despite the directions. One day I was just messing with my hair in front of the mirror and I figured it out. *Round of applause*
If you're having this problem, here's a step by step guide of how to do it. The hair donut works best for people with shoulder length to mid-back length hair. Make sure that your hair donut matches your shade of hair.
1. Brush your hair to get rid of knots and tangles. Put your head down so that your hair is falling towards the floor. Brush all hair to the top of your head, making sure that it is smooth. Put an elastic or two in to hold it in place. Put the elastic farther on your head than you think you will need it, because your hair will move around a lot. (You can stand up now!)
2.Put your hair donut on top of the elastic by pulling your ponytail through the middle of the donut.
3. Fix your hair so that it's covering the donut.
4. Make sure that you have some bobby pins on hand. Take a chunk of the hair resting on top of the hair donut and pull it down to cover the sides of the donut. Pull it tight so that it stays, and wrap the ends of that chunk around the base of the donut, where your elastic is. Bobby pin in in place.
5. Go around your head, taking chunks of hair and pinning them to the base.
7. Push the bobby pins in farther if they're showing. If you have hair sticking up at the back of your head, you can pin that down too. Your bun is now finished, if you have crazy hair you can seal the deal with some hairspray, but otherwise the bobby pins should do their job pretty well.

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